No-Jargon Talks

Upcoming Talks


No-Jargon Talks are inspired by CU-Prime Talks at CU Boulder, The Compass Lectures at UC Berkeley, and the Sundial No Jargon Conference at Arizona State University. The goal of No-Jargon Talks is to disperse information about higher education and physics careers, create strong community bonds, and promote academic and professional success. Talks strive to introduce physics research or physics-related topics in a way that is understandable to all physics undergraduates. No-Jargon Talks give undergraduate and graduate students a platform to present their excellent work (to sign up, see the No-Jargon Talk Nomination page). To foster an inclusive community, time is allotted for participants to ask questions, engage in a discussion, socialize and network.

Participants are required to adhere to the UC Santa Cruz Physics Department Code of Conduct. If you witness or experience any violations of the code of conduct, please consider filling out the Anonymous Physics Department Climate Feedback Form or another anonymous reporting forms.

To receive email reminders about upcoming No-Jargon Talks, visit our Contact us page and subscribe to our mailing list.

Interested in helping to organize the No-Jargon Talks? Contact us!